Saturday, August 29, 2009


This annual has excellent color. Commonly called flossflower, there are several great cultivars.   I love Blue Fields, and Leilani. Ageratum requires good drainage, full to part sun. I think it looks best in part sun or morning sun.
Ageratum will re-seed, which is, depending on how you look at it,  either a bonus, or additional maintenance. I let the seedlings come up and thin them as needed throughout the season.
Ageratum is easy to start indoors from seed. I would start them 6 weeks before frost free date

(around May 15 in MN). Be sure to cut back regularly in the greenhouse or cold frame to promote bushy growth. After planting, cut back if needed and also during the season before they appear spindly.

Ageratum looks great with many perennials and annuals. It is great paired with Gallardia 'Oranges and Lemons', deep colored Heucheras, and spiky foliaged plants.

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