Here are some of the points that Tallamy made in his talk yesterday:
- our sterile landscapes are starving birds
- there are currently 1/2 the number of birds than in the 1960's
- 1/3 of bird species in the US are endangered
- we use TOO FEW plants
- leave your leaves! Ground foraging birds need them!
- alien ornamental plants have evolved outside of our local food webs
- plants moderate our weather systems
- we lose 50,000 acres per day to deforestation
- in the next 50 years, 75 million acres of forestland will be cut down releasing 5.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide
- We are paving over our healthy ecosystems
- We have a love affair with the lawn
- We need to put plants back into the landscape
- landscape with plants that support our local food web
- 23% of Black Bear diet is insects
- 96% of terrestrial birds rear young on insects
- minimize specimen planting, plant thickets and communities
- woody plants support more animals that herbaceous plants
- Horticulturists and Ecologists need to come together!!!
Make this your New Rule for 2010!